Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.42 (23 March 2024) - Typing an item type in the Item Details window would automatically match an existing item type and not let you change. Eg if you had Car Stereo as an item type, you could not enter a Car Jack. This has now been fixed. You can backspace and retype to add new item types. - The program has been updated to point to our new locations for checking for updates, sending your database to Flyware etc. - When using the Search window to locate items with a quote mark in the description (eg 4'5"), the program would crash. This has now been fixed. - If you are in the middle editing a redeemed contract (changing Description) and click Copy for New and then Cancel, the program would crash. This has now been fixed. - In Items (In Pawn, Purchase, Consign In) now cannot be marked as Damaged using the right mouse menu. This prevents accidentally marking an entire contract (all items) as damaged. - A feature has been added to the Reports window that allows editing of the label properties. This has been included as it was possible to enter invalid values which then prevented the report from working and therefore fixing the values. - The label properties window now allows you to select which items are printed on the labels and whether they appear on a new line. For small labels, you may want all the information to follow on the same line, but if you have larger labels, it may be better to have each item separate. - A further check has been included for invalid characters in item descriptions which may cause the NSW Police to reject data. Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.41 (6 July 2022) - Our web hosts have required a longer and stronger password to host the new versions connecting to the server when checking for updates. v2.41 includes that new password for the next version, but that means that prior versions will not work. - Pressing Enter in the Other Disposal comments box would result in a carriage return being placed in a police offload, causing an error when transferring. This has now been fixed. - An updated version of the Remote Utilities agent software (for remote training and support) has been included. - The Buy Subscription help menu item now goes to the secure (https://) version of the website. Previously, an error would occur as the http:// site no longer exists. - The About Flyware window has been updated to show the secure website. The link behind was working, just the display was incorrect. - When pressing 'Enter' on blank fields in the Extras tab, a crash would occur when the last field was exited. This has now been fixed. - If you change your screen resolution/size and by doing so, make any saved window locations 'off the screen', the program will now bring those windows onto the current screen automatically. - In the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen, references to 'Items' have been changed to 'Contracts' for clarity. - On new installs, the default sale amount for items requiring buyer's details has been set to $100 in line with updated NSW Police requirements. The default receipt layout has also been changed to Built-In receipts. - If you delete, rename or move an Item Type in the Lookup Maintenance window, any barcodes attached to that item will be moved or deleted as well. - New receipt custom codes have been added. prints the word 'Disc:' prints the words 'Disc Amt:' prints the discount percentage from the Sales screen plus '%' prints the discount amount from the Sales screen See the updated Custom Receipts Format document supplied with the patch for details. - The discount field on the Sales screen will now only accept numerics and the '.' symbol. - If a discount was applied to a sale, the full sale amount rather than the discounted amount was being sent to the NSW Police. This has now been fixed. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.40 (21 June 2021) - A barcode lookup/saving facility has been included. This will lookup barcodes you have previously saved only. The screen allows you to choose which details (Item Type, Brand, Model etc) you wish to copy into a new item. Changing details once you have loaded a barcode item will allow you to change the saved details for that barcode. - After entering a client ID, if there was no DOB present, the program would ask if you want to enter one. If you answered 'Yes', the program crashed. This has now been fixed. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.39 (28 February 2021) - The Send to Shop right mouse function on the Main Screen was inadvertently disabled in v2.38. This has now been fixed. - To conform to NSW Fair Trading changes Feb 2021, the sale price of Buys/Auction Buys is now sent in the police offload file. Previously, this was optional and PawnShop did not report the sale price. - If a contract was split (eg by Sending to Shop) and then Unsplit BEFORE sending to the police, that contract would not be sent in the police offload. This has now been fixed. - Related to the above item, those contracts also could not be Voided for NSW police. This has now been fixed. - The default for sale items requiring buyer's details has been set to $100. This is for new installs only. Existing users must manually update this value in Preferences. - The Remote Help Session software has been changed to 'Remote Utilities' from 'TeamViewer'. This is because TeamViewer required a hefty upgrade fee to move versions as they were disabling the version used in PawnShop. Rather than pass on extra fees, we have implemented a new product that doesn't require additional fees above the existing ones. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.38 (28 September 2020) - Previously, once a contract has been split and one of the split items sold or disposed of, you could not use the Copy From on the original contract number to recreate the contract. This has now been fixed. - NSW Police will treat any item type containing 'watch' as jewellery. eg Smart Watch. In this case, the item type will automatically be converted to Watch (eg a Jewellery item). previously, this would have been listed as a General item causing errors when sending data to the NSW Police. - The Export function on the Items Due screen now includes the amount owing on pledges. This field is zero for Buys, Consignments and Auction Buys. - The Item Type combo box is loaded with the first matching item type as you fill in the text. eg. if you type N and your list contains a type starting with N (eg Necklace), it will load that item type for you rather than you having to press the down arow key on your keyboard. - For NSW users, an overseas client incorrectly gave an error saying there was no State entered when trying to create a police offload. This has now been fixed. - Sale returns would allow the return date to be before the original sale date, possibly causing confusion. Sale returns now must be the same or later date as the original sale. - There is a new option in the Items Due screen: Cancel Consignments. This allows you to bulk update any Consignments that have been cancelled by owners. - The Return to Owner right mouse menu item has been renamed to Return to Owner (Stolen Item) to make it clear what this menu means. It does NOT mean the consignment has been cancelled! ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.37 (10 December 2019) - If the setting to modify the case of all characters (either UPPER CASE or Proper Case) was set in Preferences, new lines could not be entered in O/S addresses on the Main and Sales Screens. This has now been fixed. - The max length of the Always Use police file location in Preferences has now been set to 100 to allow longer file paths. - While the price of buys and consignments can be changed in the Item Details window after a contract has been started, the price now cannot be set to zero (which would remove the item from the contract). - The max length of the Property Name field on the Sales screen was only 10 characters. This has now been increased to 50 as per the Main screen. - When locating a suburb containing an apostrophe in the Suburb & Postcode Maintenance window, an error would occur. This has now been fixed. - When adding or choosing suburbs in both the Main and Sales screens, an error would occur if the suburb contained an apostrophe ('). This has now been fixed. - A menu item has been added under the File menu that will open your browser to the NSW Police Weblink page. This is for NSW users only. The web address is correct at the time of release and sometimes changes. We will update to the correct address in later releases if it changes. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.36 (20 August 2019) - When deleting items from the Contract Item Details while entering a contract by selecting a row and pressing Delete on your keyboard, a data error would occur. This has now been fixed. - When deleting items from the Contract Item Details while entering a contract by entering a zero price on the In Item Details window, there would be a problem with the Contract Item Details once the window closed. This has now been fixed. - When a sold item is returned, the item would incorrectly be included in a Police offload. This has now been fixed. - When a returned item from a sale is re-sold, the item would be incorrectly included in the Police offload. This has now been fixed. - An Export button has been included on the Items Due window. This will export the contents of the window to a .CSV (comma delimited) text file. Additionally, the email address and phone number for the client are also exported. You can use this file for bulk email or SMS functions for overdue items if required. You need to delete any un-needed data beforehand. - Entering gem names (like Diamond, Emerald etc) will cause errors when sending data to the police for NSW users. This is because PawnShop treats them as general rather than jewellery items. These names are now converted to Gemstone as the item type (for NSW users) and you can enter the type (Diamond etc) in the description. - You cannot enter contracts with a date later than the date when PawnShop was started. So if you leave PawnShop running overnight, you cannot enter contracts dated later yesterday (if left on for 1 night). A message has been added if the startup date is earlier than the current date giving you the option of restarting the software to enter the current date for the contract. Previously, the message would come AFTER entering all the contract details and clicking OK to save the new contract. - The address for the Flyware website in the About window (click Help then About Flyware) is now hyperlinked to the site rather than just being static text. - When locating clients with no street address, the property name is displayed in search results if it exists. - If a custom receipt layout is chosen and there are no receipt layouts for that type, a warning message is displayed. Trying to print a receipt with no layout records will just do nothing which can be confusing for the user. - A check is made if backdating contracts before the current year. If a contract date is before 1995, the contract is not allowed, if before the current year, confirmation is required. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.35 (20 December 2018) - The periodic interest amount has been added to the Print Contract Details (or Payment History) report for pledges. Also the term 'Due By' has been changed to 'Contract Ends'. - When checking for program updates using the Help menu in PawnShop, if you had the Remind Me to Backup Upon Exiting option set in Preferences, an error would occur when running the patch. This is because the patch cannot run while PawnShop is running. This has now been fixed by waiting till the backup has run before starting the patch. - The program now allows 2 year subscription extensions. Previously, these were flagged as invalid. - A new figure for non-cash items has been included in the Cash Drawer window (for items like Paypal etc). - A photo folder setting has been added to Preferences. This allows you to share client photos when using PawnShop in a network environment. The patch will try to fill in the folder name for you, but you may have to choose it manually in the Preferences window. - The customer First Name, Surname, Phone and Email are now available in the contracts export. This allows you to format the file for emailing or bulk SMS. - If a customers To and From Street Numbers are the same, the To number is cleared automatically. - If a customer's Unit/Level in their address has been entered and no From Street Number has been entered, a message is now displayed. - When searching for contracts on the Main Screen, an error would occur if you used a slash (/) in the number. This has now been fixed. Also when a contract matched numbers from multiple years, the latest one is now show rather than a random one. e.g. If you searched for 22 and had contracts 2016000022, 2017000022 the 2017 one will definitely show now. Previously, it was random which one displayed. - A new field (OutDate) has been added to the Export Contracts function. - When adding a new suburb/state/postcode in the Sales screen, an error would occur when the OK button was clicked to complete the sale and the new suburb would not be saved. This has now been fixed. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.34 (29 November 2017) - The program would allow duplicate serial numbers to be entered for the same item. This caused a problem with the NSW Police system. Duplicates now are detected and prevented from being saved. - When removing all serial numbers in the Item Numbers Window, the displayed Serial Number on the Item Details window was not cleared as well. This has now been fixed. - In a related problem, ticking the No Identifying Numbers Appear on Item check box prevented you from entering the Item Numbers screen, but did not actually delete the serial numbers. This has now been fixed. - If a client has no contracts and you try to click File then Delete Contract, the program would crash. This has now been fixed. - Right mouse clicking on a contract with a Manually Allocated contract number would result in a program crash. This has now been fixed. - The DOB field on the Main Screen has been modified to allow dates after 31 December 1999. - A problem with the CurrentPledges report would sometimes display items that had been sold/auctioned. This has now been fixed. - A search box has been added to the Suburb Maintenance window to allow you to quickly locate a suburb. - If a suburb/state/postcode combination is typed in the client area of the Main Screen or the Sales Window that does not already exist, you are prompted to save it for future use. This is also required when running a police offload, so rather than make you add the suburb manually, this will do it automatically. - A new receipt custom code has been added. prints the next anniversary of the contract if it is a pledge. This is the date the pledge balance is valid to before the next set of interest is due. See the updated Custom Receipts Format document supplied with the patch for details. - In an isolated case, the last position of the Reports window were found to be corrupt. This made the window load in positions off the viewable screen. In turn, this made it appear as though the program had hung. This has now been fixed by checking whether the left, top, width and height of the windows appear in the viewable screen area. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.33 (26 November 2016) - If adding a new suburb in the suburb maintenance screen is interrupted by clicking the Close button, an error would occur if the data was not completed. This has now been fixed by cancelling the data entry if it is not complete. If the data is complete, it will be saved as normal. - In an isolated case, the last position and size of the Search, Payment and Duplicate Items (in Sales) windows were found to be corrupt. This made the windows load in positions off the viewable screen. In turn, this made it appear as though the program had hung. This has now been fixed by checking whether the left, top, width and height of the windows appear in the viewable screen area. - The Reset Number on First Contract of Year setting was being saved locally instead of the database. On a single computer system, this was fine, but in a network, it opened up the posibility of having different settings on separate computers. The setting has now been moved to the database so all computers read the same value. You are urged to check the value of this checkbox after applying this patch. - A new option has been added to the Police Offload section in Preferences which allows you to keep old police transfer files rather than have them overwritten. Setting this option on will rename an existing police file by prepending the date and time of the file to the name before creating the new one. Fitting this new option in the Preferences screen has meant rearranging the Other tab to accomodate it. The Police Offload section is now at bottom right and the Additional Numbering section has been combined with Client Numbering and moved to bottom left. - The contract status has been included in the Export Contracts menu function (under the File menu). - Right mouse clicking on a row in the Items Due window should bring up the client details for that contract, but it showed the currently selected contract instead. This has been fixed by making the right mouse click firstly select the row of the click before opening the client details report. - Double clicking on the header row of the Contract List on the Main Screen would open the Payment Window rather than resizing the column. This has now been fixed. - A button to email a client has been included on the ID window. This will do a rudimentary check for the '@' symbol appearing in the email address and will start an email using your computer's registered email program. - The Export to PDF from reports has been improved by using the Windows File-Save box rather than the (outdated) one included with the reporting package. - The subscription extension should now work regardles of date format. Customers have found that changing the date format in Regional Settings can affect their subscription end date. All subscription calculations now use a common date format regardless of the system format. - When Adding Contracts to Offload for sending to the police, if the contract had been manually split, the offload contained the manually split items rather than the original contract (for the incoming transaction - pledge, buy etc). This has now been fixed by marking the original contract for the incoming transaction. Any outgoing transactions remain only on the split item. - The J/G (Jewellery or General) flag has been added to the Items Due window to allow sorting of due items by it. - When Piping Items to the Main Screen from the Items Due window, a crash would occur if an unsplit contract had two or more items highlighted and was included in the pipe. This has now been fixed by piping the entire contract once only. Note that this pipes all items in the contract, not just the highlighted ones. - When editing items in a contract on the Main Screen, you could click to a different contract while the OK/Cancel buttons were still visible, thus possibly losing any changes. This has now been fixed by disabling the Contract List after an item edit has begun. Clicking OK or Cancel enables the list again. - A bug which crashed the program if you tried to edit items after piping them to the Main Screen from the Items Due window has been fixed. - The Due Date and Balance for an item has been included in the Print Payment History report from the Payments window. - A space has been added between words when copying Serial Numbers to the Description on the Item Details window. - Int Mobile Equip ID has been abbreviated to IMEI when copying to the Description on the Item Details window to save space due to the character limit. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.32 (18 May 2016) - An option has been added to the Built-In Receipts section in Preferences to allow entry of the heading text for business numbers. Previously, this was hard coded to ABN, which was not applicable to businesses outside of Australia. - A new Item Number Type has been added for MAC Addresses (for internet connected devices). This is to satisfy requirements to supply it to NSW Police. - A Voided Contracts report has been included so that NSW Users can provide a list to Police when requested. The report takes a date range as parameters. - There is an option in Preferences to include client photos on the Print Client Details information. - The program now has the ability to void contracts for NSW users. We HIGHLY recommend using this rather than trying to delete contracts entered by mistake etc. There is also a Voided Contracts report which the NSW police may ask for. - Consignments in that had been Consigned Out (sent to consignment in the Sales Screen) were not allowing the Amount Returned to Owner to be entered. This has now been fixed. - The link to the support email on the About Flyware window is now clickable. It will open a new email addressed to - An option has been included in the Preferences for Built-In receipts to show either the full payment amounts (interest plus principal) or interest only amounts on the Built-In pledge receipt. - The Send Preferences to Flyware link under Help was not working due to a changed FTP address by our web hosts. This has now been fixed. - After completing a sale, it was possible to add contracts without clicking the New Sale button and create another sale with items belonging to the previous sale (double selling them). This has now been fixed. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.31 (13 November 2015) - Layby payments can now be deleted if the layby has not been finalised or has not already been sent to the police if finalised. The status of the items within the sale will revert to LayBy. - Contract Number has been added as a searchable item. This is useful for sorting search results by contract number. Use Like as the Operator and * as the value if you just want to sort and not enter any particular contract number. - The Sale ID is now shown on the Built-In sales receipt. Previously, it was blank. - After discussions with NSW Fair Trading, the limit above which you must get customer details for sales has been changed to $50 per item in the sale rather than $50 total sale value. - The PropertyName field for client addresses allowed 50 characters to be typed on the screen, but only allowed 25 characters in the database, thus causing an error if a longer property name was used. This has now been fixed. - A problem with the Pawnbroking version caused the program to crash when doing a manual split in the Items Due screen. This has now been fixed. - In the Sales screen, if you used an alpha character in the Manual Receipt field, an error would occur when using Built-In Receipts. This has now been fixed. - When using Built-In receipts, the Include Current Day in Interest Calc preference was not used for the 1, 2 and 3 month dates. This has now been fixed. If you have this box checked, the 1, 2 and 3 month dates will be one day earlier. So if a customer pledges on the 6th, the 1 month date will be the 5th of the following month. - When entering items in a contract the program will delete any item with a zero amount when OK is clicked on the In Item window. If there was only 1 item in a contract and it had a zero amount, this caused a problem when returning to the Main Screen. This has now been fixed. - The OK and Cancel buttons on the Main Screen are now disabled while entering/editing item details. This prevents clicking on one of them too early and possibly corrupting the contract record. - To reduce possible file locking problems, the auto backup now does not occur if there is another operation in progress. - For NSW Users, if an overseas client did not provide a customs reference for a contract, it was rejected in the police offload check. Now, if they have a valid ID, the contract will pass the police error check. To comply with police requirements, if a customs reference is provided, no client ID is sent in the police offload, - A new function to send your current preferences to Flyware has been included. Many of the support issues we investigate are a result of preference settings not being correct. This allows us to test using the same settings as the customer experiencing the issue. The new function appears under the Help menu. - A new report has been added to the Reports window allowing you to print stock labels. For now, it works on a contract date basis. There is an option to skip labels, so you can reuse label sheets if they are only partly used. The default label type is Avery J8651. There is also a button on the report window which allows customising the layout. We highly recommend printing on normal copy paper until you are sure the layout is correct. You can also edit the list of labels to be printed (after the initial preview is displayed. At the moment, you can only remove labels). - The Payment receipt format has been updated. This built-in receipt type is used if the Advance Date on Payment checkbox is cleared in Preferences. - The Cash Drawer function was setting the Reset Date and Amount on the hard drive of the computer rather than the database. This meant two computers sharing the database on a network would have different values for the cash balance. This has now been fixed. - An option has been added in Preferences to allow use of the 'old style' of locating contracts previous to v2.30. - When the payments screen loaded and no new payments were possible (ie item paid off) it would show a date in 2013 by default. While not strictly an error, it is now disabled and shows the current date instead. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.30 (16 January 2015) - When restoring an older version database, running PawnShop would give a message that the database needs to be updated, but would clear most of the Preferences in the database first. This has now been fixed. - A new field (ClientTypes) has been added to the Client Export function. 'S' in that field indicates the client has purchased from you, 'P' means they have pledged with you and 'B' means they have sold items to you. This field can be used to sort the client list for mailmerges etc according to customer type. - A bug which caused a crash when exporting clients to a folder that didn't exist has been fixed. - A bug preventing expired subscriptions performing police offloads has been fixed. - A bug preventing entering decimal places for the Weight of Brooch items has been fixed. - The Repair Database menu item under the Options menu will fix some extra problems users have found: If there are two interest payments on a contract with the same date and time, this will cause problems in the Items Due screen. The Database Repair will add 1 second to the latest payment. If a contract was being split and something happened to the database while it was splitting, you can be left with a corrupted contract. This will now be fixed by the Database Repair. - There are some changes to the GST report for interest payments. - Some of the report headings were incorrect, instead of date1 to date2 they said date1 to date1. This has now been fixed. - The Receipt Number for the sale of an item now appears in the Sale Details section at the bottom right of the Main Screen. This allows you to locate a sold item where there was no buyer entered in the sale. - The Main Screen will now locate ALL contracts which match the contract number you type. For example, if you type 123 when locating a contract, any contract ending in 123 (2010000123, 2011004123 etc) will display in a search results window. This allows you to easily see multiple years contracts ending with the same numbers. We recommend you type 0123 if you want to limit it to that range and you process more than a thousand contracts per year. - Clients with no ID were excluded from the Police Printout. This has now been fixed. - A new report for pawnbroking clients has been included. It shows current pledges (not redeemed, sold etc) with interest accrued and total outstanding, summarised by contract status. - The client's telephone number has been added to the Police Printout report. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.29 (16 December 2013) - A problem showing clients and last paid dates on the Items Due screen has been fixed. - On newer (faster) computers, a problem occurred on the Payments window when AutoPrinting a new payment. This has now been fixed. - The Police Printout would not show contracts where an O/S address had been used. This has now been fixed. - A small problem with the Items Due and Sales screen not exactly aligning with the Main Window on some systems has (hopefully) been fixed. - A problem existed with patches not being able to run when your database is held on a network drive. You would see a message saying that you need to run the 2.24 patch before running the current one. This has now been fixed - The Items Due screen would not sort correctly for Amounts. It sorted by the Contract amount rather than the Item amount. This has now been fixed. - A new Built-In receipt has been added for Laybys. It uses the same format as the Sale receipt but loads the LaybyReceiptComments.rtf file instead. - There is now a link under the Help menu that allows you to go to the Flyware website to renew your subscription. It will fill in your Registration Code and Name from the settings in your program. - When using the Print Client Details option under the File menu, the program would crash if the current client had no contracts. This has now been fixed. - Entering a blank serial, barcode or other number on the Item Numbers screen would cause the program to crash. This has now been fixed. - The Police Problems Report will now check in the Extras tab for Carat fields that are longer than 2 characters. This caused a police error when transferring data to the NSW police. - Two new columns appear in the Items Due screen. They are Last Paid Date and Amount. They are only relevant for pawnbrokers and show the last date and amount of any interest payments. - When changing the database location in Preferences, any other changes to Preferences are ignored and the software is shutdown automatically. - The program would allow a Ctrl-Tab key combination to be pressed in multi-line textboxes which would insert a TAB character causing problems with NSW police offloads. This has now been fixed. - A tooltip popup has been added to the Backup, Database and Police File Location boxes in Preferences which allows you to see the full location if the text is too long to be displayed. - When reinstalling, the Police File Location is set to the installation folder rather than C:\. This removes problems on Windows Vista, 7 and 8. - A new feature has been added allowing remote support under the Help menu. - A new feature has been added for pawnbroker users. Under the File menu, a new printout for outstanding pledges with total is visible. - An error that occurred when maximising the screen under Windows Vista has been fixed. - An error that occurred when modifying interest or layby payments has been fixed. This was caused by the date control changes in the previous version. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.28 (19 December 2012) - For NSW users, you can now no longer delete contracts with an autogenerated contract number or one that is in the same form (YYYY999999). This has been requested by the NSW police. - The Sales screen will now remove any blank spaces when searching for a previous customer. Previously, if you type a space at the end of a name, this would cause to program to look for the same name (with a space). - Two new receipt custom codes have been added. Currently, these are only supported in Sales payments. prints the text 'Amt Tendered:' prints the amount tendered if cash or the full amount if another type. See the updated Custom Receipts Format document supplied with the patch for details. - An email field has been added to the ID window for clients. The limit for this is currently 100 characters. - A problem on the Items Due screen when sending Miscellaneous status items to Shop/Auction has been fixed. This occurred when the contracts needed to be split before sending to Shop/Auction. - After modifying/deleting payments on an Expired pledge, the program now recalculates its status instead of leaving as Expired. - The Outgoings report now correctly order items within the same contract. - When using the Built-In receipts, the date on Sales receipts was incorrect. This has now been fixed. - Sometime the software would crash when maximising/minimising the Main Screen under Windows 7. This has now been fixed. - The date control on the Payments window has been changed to a dropdown calendar control to allow easier choosing of dates. - The Payment window will issue a new pledge receipt for those people using the built-in receipts. - A new built-in receipt for pledge payments has been included for where the Advance Due Date on Pledge Payment option in Preferences is turned off. Instead of having an owner's declaration, this document is simply titled Payment Receipt. - The Num Copies of the various receipt types in Preferences will now only allow numbers to be typed. - The Weight field on the Extras tab for jewellery items now accepts 1 decimal place. - Some problems with accessing the Extras tab for Lockets and Fobs have been fixed in this version. Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.27 (9 June 2012) - A problem printing Client Details where split contracts were not displayed has been fixed. - If the Police File Location was set to Choose and an existing file was chosen, a warning would show on the File Save dialog as well as the normal overwrite warning. This has now been fixed. - If the Separate sale Items on Income option in Preferences was selected, an error occurred on the Incoming Report. This has now been fixed. - Clearing the Organisation name box will properly remove an organisation from a client. - The Organisation list is reloaded after changing an organisation name. Previously there were problems assigning an organisation that had been changed until the program was restarted. - Fob has now been made a jewellery item type. If you have deleted the Watch item type, you will not have Fob added to your database. - Locket has now been made a jewellery item type. If you have deleted the Jewellery Other item type, you will not have Locket added to your database. - If you have entered a From and To street number for a client address that are the same, the To street number will be cleared. - The GST report now includes a statement saying it is the dealer's responsibility to ensure all figures in it are applicable (through their tax adviser/accountant). This was never meant to be a definitive accounting report. - The tab order of some controls on the Reports and Main window have been changed to follow the order they appear on the screen. - The date controls on the Reports and Sales window have been changed to dropdown calendar controls to allow easier choosing of dates. These will be rolled out progressively throughout the software. - A Police Problems Report will now check for invalid ID issuers of drivers licences. They must be one of NSW, NT, VIC, QLD, WA, TAS, SA, ACT, O/S. - The Customer Sold To report now lists by Contract number and the Sale Date has been made slightly wider. - When pressing the New Sale button on the Sales screen, the Client Details box for the buyer's name and address was not enabled. This has now been fixed. - There are new Pledge/Buy/Consign ReceiptComments files available. These are specifically for NSW dealers. The only change is the size of the text in the Form 2 notes to Arial Point Size 10 as required by police and Dept of Fair Trading. We have not forced copying of these files in case custom changes have been made to your files. Please contact Flyware if you need these. - If you pressed Next or Prev repeatedly, very quickly on the In Items screen, it was possible to crash the program. This has now been fixed. - The File | Print Contract menu item caused a program crash if it was selected while adding/editing a contract. You now cannot use this menu while editing or entering a contract. - An error occurred if you typed more than 15 characters into the jewellery lookup combo boxes when the program tried to save it for later use. The max length of these boxes has now been changed to 15. - For users whose interest periods are in days or weeks rather than months, the due date calculation was incorrect in 2.26 after making a payment. This has now been fixed. - Sales of existing items can now be made with an expired subscription. This allows users to dispose of stock after a business has closed, for example, without having to renew their registration. Additionally, layby payments can also be taken with an expired subscription. - It was possible to send an item to shop in the Items Due screen after disposing of it some other way. This has now been fixed. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.26 (10 December 2011) - Even though manually numbered contracts are not sent to the NSW Police, they were still being checked by the Police Offload Report and if there were issues, a police offload could not be performed. This has now been fixed. - New pre-printed receipts are included in this release. They can be customised with your name, address, phone number etc. as well as the terms and conditions at the bottom. The terms and conditions are located in RTF files which have been placed in your PawnShop install folder (Pledge/Buy/Sale/ConsignReceiptComments.rtf). These can be edited with MS Word or WordPad which comes with Windows. They can be selected by choosing Use Built-In Receipts on the Receipts tab in the Preferences screen. - The warning you see when you try to create a police file has changed. If the file already exists, the message tells you not to proceed if you have not transferred the file to police. The reason for this is that if you overwrite a file before you transfer it to the police, that transfer is lost. You can do a resupply, but you need to know which contracts to send. - If a client is from an organisation, the name of the organisation is added to the client name in reports. - The Transaction Date has been added to the Incomings and Outgoings reports (Detailed). - A receipt field has been added to the Customer Sold To report. If a manual receipt number was used, this is shown, otherwise the auto generated receipt number shows. - A new button has been added to the In Items screen. The Make Copy button will add a new item to the contract and copy the details of the current item on screen. ++ NOTE ++ : ALL details will be copied including serial numbers and jewellery extra details, so these may need to be amended before saving the contract. - The Customs Reference box is only enabled when the client has an overseas address (the O/S box is checked). This only applies to NSW users. - An error message was displayed in the Search screen when loading a list of choices that was empty (eg Organisations when you have no Organisations) and the screen would then lock. This has now been fixed. - The Double Enter Serial option is now mandatory for NSW users. - An error that sometimes occurred when entering serial numbers has been fixed. - The message which warns when entering an overseas client without identification is now more descriptive. This is allowed by NSW police if you enter a customs reference with each contract for the client. - The Sales screen will now search previous years automatically if you just use a contract number NOT of the form YYYY999999. - For people who use the police offload outside of NSW, the offload would not transfer contracts where the numbers were not of the form YYYY999999 where YYYY is the current year. This includes where the seperate Purchase and Consign numbers were selected in Preferences. This has now been fixed. - A new offload type has been added for Victoria. The contracts are sorted in contract type order. - There have been changes made to interest periods for pledges in this release. Previously, if you specified 2 months as the pledge period, the program would calculate interest each month. You may want to calculate the interest every 2 months. A new option in the Interest section on the Contract tab of Preferences allows to to choose whether the interest is for each period specified (day, week, month) or the whole period (7 days, 4 weeks, 2 months for example). The annual rate calculation and label for interest on the main screen changes depending on your choice. *** IMPORTANT!! - WHEN YOU MAKE A PAYMENT FOR ANY LOAN, IT WILL USE THE CURRENT SETTINGS TO CALCULATE THE NEW DUE DATE. THIS FEATURE IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE CHANGED, IT IS FOR STARTING OFF YOUR SYSTEM AND MEANT TO BE LEFT ALONE. CURRENTLY, THE LOAN AND INTEREST PERIODS ARE NOT SAVED WITH A PLEDGE, SO THE MAIN SETTING IN PREFERENCES IS USED. ONLY CHANGE THE DEFAULT SETTINGS IF YOU ARE USING A TEST DATABASE OR STARTING OUT WITH A NEW ONE. **** ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.25 (24 March 2011) - An updated help file has been included in this release. - The QLD police offload now uses the item description rather than just the item type when creating a file. Note that only the first 25 characters of the description are used. - The red highlight on Item Note on the Main screen was not cleared when entering a new contract. This has now been fixed. - The program would previously allow you to open the Notes screen while entering a new contract. The notes would not be saved as a contract number had not yet been generated. A message box is now displayed telling you to save the contract before entering any notes. - A bug which caused the program to crash when manually splitting items from the Items Due screen has been fixed. - The Item Location report now sorts by location and then by contract number to allow it to be used to check items in each location more easily. - When using the Copy From and Copy For New functions, the Shop # is now copied and made active for editing. Previously, this was left blank and was disabled meaning you had to go back to edit after finishing. - Shop Date (the date an item was sent to shop) has been added as a searchable field in the Search window. - The Item Location report now displays the Shop # as well as the item description. - You can now send items to Damaged from the Main screen by using the right mouse button. - A bug which caused the program to crash when searching for items in the Sales screen using letters (for Manual or Shop numbers) has been fixed. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.24 (27 November 2010) - A bug occurred where a consignment that had been placed in shop would have its status changed to ConsDue (past due sale date) even though there was no date that it was required to be sold. This has now been fixed and the item will remain In Shop if there is no required sale date. - A new function has been added. Choosing the Print Contract menu item (uder the File menu) after using the Pipe to Main Screen button on the Items Due window will print the Items Due report for only those items selected. - The Print Client and Print Contract menu items are disabled when there are no clients / contracts visible on the screen to print. - This version of the patch includes a utility program for Windows 7 and Windows Vista users. These operating systems do not support installation of programs to the C:\Program Files folder as earlier versions of Windows do. The utility program will move installations of PawnShop on these operating systems to the C:\Users\Public\PawnShop folder if you have the security settings turned on. It will also change the location of the police data file to this folder as the default of C:\ is also not accessible. - The Duplicate items screen that appears in Sales when trying to locate a contract to sell that has multiple items now shows the item numbers as well as the descriptions of the items. - The locate contract function in the Sales screen will now try to locate a contract from previous years if one can't be found in the current year. - Starting with version 2.24, the patch program will warn you if you are trying to apply a patch that is older than the currently installed program version. - The Police Printout (under the File menu) did not print the individual item numbers for each item, only the contract number. This has now been fixed. - When exporting the Police Printout to a text file, the first line had the headings as well as the first line of data on it. This has now been fixed. - When customising receipt codes, the code did not print out the sale total for laybys. This has now been fixed. - In the Cancel Layby screen, the clerk name was not defaulted if there is only one clerk as in the main, sales and payment screens. This has now been fixed. - After returning a sold item that was originally consigned, the Send to Shop right mouse menu item did not appear to allow you to put it back in the shop. This has now been fixed. - The Items Due screen now shows the client name in the row for an overdue item to allow you to see the name without having to right mouse click and open the client report. - The Print Client / Contract Details report now looks at the Preferences settings for the printer for reports rather than using the default system printer. - The Print Contract Details menu item now prints all items in the original contract if you try to print a contract that has been auto split. - A bug has been fixed which caused the program to crash when entering a contract where the clerk name has a apostrophe(') in it. - The Print Client / Contract Details report now includes the state for non O/S clients and prints the O/S address otherwise. - The same reports have also had the contract listing rearranged slightly to reduce the number of pages for clients with large numbers of contracts. - A bug that caused a crash when manually splitting jewellery contracts using the Repeating button has been fixed. - A bug that occurred when sorting records that had non system generated contract numbers in the Items Due screen caused the program to crash has been fixed. - A bug which cleared the Clerk field after entering a contract has been fixed. - The Shop # field was not copied to split contracts when the original contract became due. This has now been fixed so that it flows through to the split contracts. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.23 (15 May 2010) - Deleting an item would leave behind records in the Item Numbers (serial numbers, barcodes etc). This has now been fixed. - Choosing an illegal location for the police output file will generate a warning rather than crashing the program. - An invalid character in the street number fields will generate an entry in the police problems report. This would cause an error when sending to the NSW police. - An empty space in the Name On ID will generate an entry in the police problems report. This would cause an error when sending to the NSW police. - A missing Customs Ref for an overseas client will generate an entry in the police problems report. This would cause an error when sending to the NSW police. - A dotted border around the row helps to see the currently selected contract on the Items Due screen. - The Client and Item Notes buttons now work on the Items Due screen for the current contract highlighted. - Inactive clerks are displayed on the Main screen when looking at old contracts, but are excluded from entering new contracts. - The Main screen is no longer cleared after pressing the Escape key to close the Search window. - Contract Date has been added as a searchable field in the Search window. - The Change Paper check box in the Printing tab of Preferences is enabled if either the Pledge/Purch OR Sales printer is the same as the Report printer. Previously, this was only enabled if the Pledge/Purch was the same as the Report one. - The Export Clients function had a bug which affected the output affecting clients addresses that appeared in the file. This has now been fixed. - The Shop Amount field has been added to the Export Contract function under the File menu. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.22 (16 June 2009) - The payment types Paypal and Electronic Transfer have been added to the program. Payment Types have been added to the Lookup Maintenance screen. - When reprinting sales receipts that do not have a client attached to them, the words SHOP SALE would not print correctly as they do when printing on the original sale. This has now been fixed. - When you select the sale type on the Sales Screen and have Cash as your default payment type, the Cash Tendered box does not show unless you drop the payment type down and select Cash. This has now been fixed. The same applies if Card is the default payment type. The card type box will now show automatically. - Two new receipt custom codes have been added. prints the text 'Clerk:' prints the first name of the clerk. The way this works is that it prints the name up to the first space if one exists. Otherwise it prints the entire clerk name. See the updated Custom Receipts Format document supplied with the patch for details. - A modification has been made to the custom receipt code to allow calculations to run only on specified contract types. See the updated Custom Receipts Format document supplied with the patch for details. - When contracts are split (when putting items In Shop etc), the Customs Ref and On Site fields did not carry through to the new split contract. This has now been fixed. - When editing a contract and then cancelling the edit, the status bar was not reset correctly to the clients details. This has now been fixed. - Improvements have been made to the resizing of the screen elements. This is especially noticable in Windows Vista. - The max length of the police offload location field in Preferences has been increased to 60 characters to allow for longer file pathnames. - A bug where Held items would not be taken automatically off hold has been fixed. A value of zero (0) in the days to hold section in Preferences means that the items will never automatically come off hold. - If the database security file (System.mdw) can not be found in the application folder, the program will look in the database folder (if different to the application folder) before reporting an error. - Sending items to Other Disposal in the Items Due screen would not work if multiple items were selected at once. This has now been fixed. - Any due/in shop pledges whose due date is before the current date have their status reset to In Pawn at startup. This can be caused by changing your computer date forward, starting PawnShop and then changing the date backwards. Previously, once the status goes Due, you had to open the Payments screen to reset the status to In Pawn. - ID Type and ID Issuer can now be used as criteria in the search screen. - If you have a PawnShop subscription and it has lapsed, you may still search for clients and view data. However a warning would appear saying that you could not. This warning has now been removed. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.21 (17 November 2008) - Problems when typing into date fields in the program have been fixed. - When a sold item is marked for police offload and the item is manually split subsequently, an error occurred when performing the police offload. This has now been fixed. - A new option in Preferences allows you to choose a different number of printed copies of pledge / buy receipts. Previously, both buys and pledges used the same number of copies. - The first time after performing a name or contract number search which brought up the search results window (multiple results), it was possible to click the buttons on the main screen. This has now been fixed. - A bug existed which tried to test a backup file after cancelling the backup. This has now been fixed. - A bug existed where the Sales screen would crash if the clerk's name contained an apostrophe ('). This has now been fixed. - A new option in Preferences allows you to chose different default printers for Sales and Contract printing. - There is now a default payment type in the preferences screen to select your most commonly used payment type automatically. - For items that are Due Shop, you can now use the right mouse button to send them to shop. Contracts with multiple items are auto split as they would be in the Items Due screen. - Under some circumstances, certain transactions would not go to the police if they were entered 1 minute after doing a police offload. This has now been fixed. The reason for the is that the time (including the seconds) of the police offload are saved, but only the minute of some transactions are saved. That transaction then looks as though it took place before the police offload and does not go to the police. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.20 (4 April 2008) - If the contract numbers are not reset at the start of the year (they continue on eg. 2007000123 to 2008000124), the Auto Complete function would not try the previous year to search to a contract. It would simply not find the contract in the current year and require entry of the full number to find it. This has now been fixed. - An additional option in Preferences is available which allows multiple copies of payment receipts to be selected. Previously, the payments section would use the value from the Contract Copies box. The default value is the same as the Contracts value. - If you have the Test Backup option set in Preferences and had the Ask option set for your backup location, the program would ask (again) for the backup to test rather than testing the backup it had just done. This has now been fixed. - A new function has been placed under the Help menu, allowing you to send a backup of your database to Flyware. This eliminates the need for doing a backup yourself and emailing it. IMPORTANT: Only use this if you have been advised to by Flyware. If your database is large and your internet connection is slow, this could take a long time. - Related to the above function is one which pulls down a backup from Flyware's web site which has been worked on by Flyware. The program will backup your database before this happens. - When converting serial numbers that were 'single entry' ones to the 'double entry' ones the NSW police now require, sometimes an error would occur. This has now been fixed. - Under certain circumstances, the GST report did not take discounts into consideration when displaying figures. This has now been fixed. ****----****----****----****---- Fixes/Enhancements in Pawnshop Version 2.19 (27 November 2007) - The Detailed Income report now shows the receipt number and moves the contract number into the Description. - If attempting a backup from the Sales or Items Due screen, an error and program crash occurred. A message now tells you to go back to the Main screen to do backups. - After locating a contract which is not In Shop on the Sales screen, the grid with the current sale details is locked, not allowing editing of the sale price. This has now been fixed. - The Clerk search field was not working. This has now been fixed. - The field where you specified an amount to charge for layby cancels allowed non numeric characters to be typed in it. This has now been fixed. - When clearing the screen by pressing the Esc key or click the Clients button, the Find Sales / Laybys menu items were not cleared. Clicking these caused an error. This has now been fixed. - If you type a client's Unit which is longer than 5 characters (in both the Sales and Main screen), an error would occur. This has now been fixed. - If you attempt to locate a sale on the Sales screen by using a receipt number containing letters an error would occur. This has now been fixed. - If your Windows date separator was not a slash (/), there would be problems running the program in the date boxes. This has now been fixed. - When switching between Manual and Auto Numbering while doing a search for a contract number, an error would occur. This has now been fixed. - After adding a Serial or Other number and then clicking OK on the In Items screen, the number would not display if you go back into that screen before saving the contract. This has now been fixed. - When viewing the contract list, when moving from a sold contract to one not sold, the sale details would stay displayed instead of clearing. This has now been fixed. - An error occurred when editing clerk details and changing rows on the grid. This has now been fixed. ****----****----****----****---- FOR RELEASE NOTES PREVIOUS TO VERSION 2.19, PLEASE EMAIL FLYWARE AT ****----****----****----****----